Thursday, February 4, 2010

Interview with rap artist COLB on the Do's and Dont's on performing and so much more..

Sooo…Let’s talk music

Q: Performing plays a big part in your career tell me how you get ready for a show and also What are the Do Not’s of performing?

COLB: First off I would have to say practice, but personally I make sure that I download my show disk onto my ipod and listen to it continuously the day of the show.
As far as “Do” when it comes to performing I would have to say keep a high energy level through out the performance and you definitely have to be into what you are doing, because if your not feeling your performance the crowd wont feel it either.
And as far as “Do Not’s” whatever you do, always know where your performing (city, school, venues etc.) nothing is worse then shouting out the wrong city when you open or close a show!

Q: As an artist what is your biggest fear when it comes to Success in the industry?

COLB: My biggest fear would have to be longevity. A lot of artist are here one second and gone in the next, (a.k.a One Hit Wonders) I didn’t want to release my Single before I had a quality Album to stand behind it, because I find a lot of artist run with their first single and then don’t put same energy into the rest of there album. So there single does well but then there album flops.

Q: Explain your music to me if could mix two artists together and come up with your style who would they be?

COLB: Well honesty that’s a harder question for me, I know a lot artists say that they only sound like themselves but based off the fact that I only listen myself outside of a little Radio here and there I cant really make fair a comparison on who I think my style would most resemble.

Q: being from the small city of Dayton, Ohio How much harder is it to get your name, face, and music out to other parts of the U.S.?

COLB: I think it is hard for any artist to get their name and face out there regardless of where you may be from. Luckley I have been blessed with great management and record label support, that helps to push my project forward.

Q: I’ve always wanted to know this, when you get that “Big Check”, what will be the first thing you do with your money? Truthfully.

COLB: The first thing I’m doing with my “Big Check” is pay off all prior debts for my family and myself. And secondly I’m investing it back into my project so that I can continue to push forward!

Q: Where can people hear your music and upcoming shows?

COLB: I’m all over the internet, but the best place to find me is

Shouts out to JE media group for the introduction to this amazing artist.

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